We have a commercial kitchen which facilitates the in-house catering for large numbers of children at the same time and are committed to offering healthy, nutritious balanced meals and snacks which meet individual needs and requirements. We use the 'Eat better, start better' publication and guidelines to comply with the Early Years Foundation Stage welfare requirements.
All meals are cooked on the premises using fresh ingredients by an experienced chef to ensure the quality and freshness is of the highest standard. Every child will receive a Mid-Morning Snack accompanied by milk or water, a hot meal and pudding at Lunch Time followed by a Snack in the afternoon and then Tea.
Breakfast Club
It is often said that 'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day'. For a small charge we can provide your child with breakfast from 7.30am. We offer low sugar cereals, fruit and hot options including toast, omelettes and porridge. Water and milk are always available.